About Me

I live with two very lively cats called Jason and Milly who are either keeping me entertained or else giving me grey hairs. Whether I’m laughing hysterically at Jason swinging off the curtains or cringing with embarrassment as Milly digs a hole in my neighbour’s flower bed as we’re chatting, there’s never a dull moment! I hope you enjoy these stories, whether you do or don’t have cats. if you have any stories of your own, please do share them!

Sunday 19 May 2013

Kitten Diary - The Little Monsters - Days 3-5

Day 3

This day starts in a similar fashion; God-awful smell, litter tray wrecked. This time there's poo on the side of the tray. Nice. They're getting braver about climbing up our legs now – both of them are at it, I suppose it’s an easy climb for them – lots of fabric and soft flesh for them to get their claws into. They can't jump straight onto the kitchen surfaces but have worked out a way to get on, via the chair and then the table. I will really have to train them out of this, I can't have them walking over the surfaces after they have been in the litter tray – that's just unhygienic.
Feed us now or there will be consequences!

I come home again at lunchtime to feed and check on them and they seem fine but some of our pictures are lying flat on their faces. I put them back, sort out the litter tray and feed the little rascals. In the evening we play with them and they climb all over us. Already I have several scratches on my hands and legs – kittens aren't born knowing how to sheath their claws. Hopefully they'll learn this pretty soon! When we sit down to watch the TV, both kittens curl up in my lap – easily fitting. So sweet and thankfully they're affectionate with us – so what do a few scratches and some smelly poos matter?

Days 4-5

All week I come home at lunchtime to check on them and worry about the various dangers that could happen to them. There's a floor-standing wine rack in the utility room that they like to climb in, I pictured them falling inside it, catching their heads and snapping their little necks. ( you may have guessed by now, I'm a bit of a worrier..) That has to go upstairs into the spare room too.

What could possibly go wrong here?
When I come in from work, they fling themselves at me mioawing and purring at the same time and climbing up me. They just won’t let me alone for a minute– I have to shut them out of the kitchen while I am cooking. As they hurl themselves at the glass door separating us, I close my eyes ... Aahh, a moment's peace and quiet. Who could have thought two such small things would literally have taken over the whole downstairs of my house? Whatever I am doing, they are there – climbing on me, fighting with each other, trying to see/eat/break whatever it is I am doing. They always want food – I don't want to over-feed them, yet I can't bear to hear them cry so piteously. Advice varies; from feeding them 1-2 pouches a day, to letting them eat whatever they want as they are growing. They are easily polishing off 4 pouches a day each plus biscuits and you can't get kitten food in tins! This is working out to be much more expensive than we had thought.

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